Lila has candy. Mommy doesn't have to do anything, and we have to do the dishes. We got Mommy some flowers. Me-mommy doesn't have to do anything. Me-mommy mommy-me mommy-me has a little and has a little. We are thankful that we have nice body. And Mommy has nice hair. We went to church and Emma Lee and Bob gave me some dirt and Emma Lee gave me some seeds to put in the hole in the dirt. And Bob gave me some dirt so that Emma Lee could give me some seeds, so that I could put them in the hole in the dirt. I want my mom to be happy. I love you and I ate my orange. And Mommy and Daddy love Lila, and Abby, and Zack. I will go and leave the forest. And Mommy is a good mom and she has lots of parts of her body. You are a very good mom. I love you so much that I wanted to get a swimming pool. And you are a good mom. I simply know that you are my mom. I love you, you are my good mom. Home is where the heart is. Thank you, I love you, I love you, you are my light mom. You are my love it, light, burned mom. My mom is a good mom and I love her so.
[This part is sung in verse:]"I love you and I would love you if you were my mom, and you would go to bed and has gone to bed, and has gone to bed, and in love it the momma, you love it in the the tomma, you love it in my comma, you love it in my comma. You are my besssssst mom eeeeeever!"
Best mom ever is the last part. You think what I think. Mommy thinks what I think. And Abby and Zack love me so much that they want to play with me if I am in the bedroom. That is why Mommy wants me to go out of the room sometimes.