The little guy around our house had a big birthday recently. We celebrated CONSTRUCTION style and it was awesome.
When they arrived the kids entered our HARD HAT AREA and got to decorate a construction hat.
They deposited their gifts
Then they had a few choices for activities. They could hang out in the construction zone where there was DEMOLITION IN PROGRESS.
or work on BLUEPRINTS (from Alex Architecture)
After they played for a little while we moved on to BARRICADE BOWLING where they used a wrecking ball. (Those "wrecking" balls were the take home gift with a label that said "Thanks for coming! We had a ball.")

And they took a turn with the WRECKING BALL
They also got to have a turn to WATCH FOR FALLING ROCKS

which also doubled as our photo booth.
(Zack's face cracks me up every time I look at this picture!) 
Just a few of our friends. (I'm going to send these pictures out with the thank you cards)
Then we blew out candles and ate some crazy food!

It was a great party and I think everyone had fun.
I know this little guy sure did!!
Happy Birthday big man. Sure love you! Can't believe you are three!!