A few nights ago I went to a church meeting and left Johnny to put the kids to bed. Before I went to bed that night I went in to check on the kids. I was about to leave when I noticed that Abby was sleeping kind of weird. I gave her a closer look and realized that SHE was in fact HE. Not only had Johnny (and Lila!!) dressed the babies in opposite jammies, Johnny had put them in the wrong cribs. He was hoping I'd go in to a crying baby and be totally confused. He almost got me. Considering my track record at night he had good reason to hope...
My favorite part was in the morning when Lila woke up. She thought she was HILARIOUS for playing that trick on me but the funniest thing was that all morning she kept calling Abby and Zack by the wrong names. Turns out the trick was on her, I guess!

Lila, ZACK, & ABBY!!
(and for the record... Lila has been picking out her own clothes lately.
I'm not responsible for the solid black ensemble!)
(and for the record... Lila has been picking out her own clothes lately.
I'm not responsible for the solid black ensemble!)
I do love that Lila has enough black in her wardrobe to do a solid black ensemble. That kid's headed for New York for sure.
Zack is going to love you for putting all these post of him cross-dressing on your blog when he gets bigger. And if he grows up to be like some of the other Russ boys he will still like to cross-dress occasionally. Just to be funny, of course. Good one, Lila and Johnny. Should have saved that for April Fool's Day.
I am starting to feel the urge again to make the crazy drive down there. Let's talk.
I read your link to your sleep "track record" and thoroughly enjoyed it! I always wondered how you could handle the nights with twins! Good times Emily! Johnny will definitely have some great stories to tell them when they get older.
I LOVE IT Johnny! That's too funny! Your family is great!
oh what fun twins can be. But, I am really happy that it is your fun and not mine. You are a much better than I-you probably don't yell. Maybe you do-but I doubt it.
It's amazing how much those babies look like eachother. When you change their clothes, they look like eachother!
Funny post!
Is Abby bigger than Zack? His clothes look a little tight on her. And her clothes look a little loose on him.
Good try Johhny. :)
This was a good little trick, too bad it didn't work! Funny!
i loved that story. i love ha lila was totally in on it! cute.
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