Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hats Off To Zack

Not if he has anything to say about it!

Zack has been happy to wear a hat since he was born. Well, most of the time he was happy.

For a while, he would ask for his hat as soon as we got him out of his crib in the morning.

Pretty soon he starting expanding his horizons. First it was his black cowboy hat.

But our favorite was when he got eyes for Abby's Easter hat...

and took it for his own.

Don't worry Abby returns the favor occasionally.

We made sure to bring Zack's hats with us on vacation this summer.

We thought it was funny so we made sure to bring along the Easter hat so my family could see Zack playing in it. Zack decided that was the only thing he would wear. Sometimes he wouldn't go outside until he had it.

We tried to get a picture without the hat but Zack wasn't having it.

Lately he seems to think two hats are better than one.

We know it's a girl's hat but we're not too worried because Zack still knows how to be a ladies' man.


katieo said...

That is SO hilarious. I love the Easter hat!
but I think my favorite picture has to be the one where Abby and Zack are both crying in the peace and cheer shirts. priceless.

Em Russ said...

about the post Zack says "That's MY hat!!"

Marci said...

Emily! Zack is so big!!! (And Abby and Lila too). Love the post. Love Zack's affinity for hats. He's so darling... even in a ladies easter hat, the girls will be swooning! We miss you guys!

The Arnell's said...

Zack is so funny! I loved the picture of him on the beach looking at the ocean. and the one of you too kissing. Em what a cute family you have. I love ya

Monica said...

This is so funny. What a cool little guy. Emily, I love the picture of you and Zack kissing...and the one where he's running towards the waves with the Easter hat blowing in the wind! Ha!

Amateur Steph said...

What wonderful pictures! How funny is that hat? I love it.

Shay said...

Oh my goodness...he is so adorable! Everytime I'm around him I just can't get over how handsome he is. You really will have to watch out for all the girls swarming him when he gets older. Today Daxton was doing his gallup style jump/run and everytime he does that I think of Zack. AND that picture of Zack kissing you is the best pictures I have ever seen!

Cassi said...

I love your posts. You are so cute and creative. I also LOVE the picture of Zack kissing you. Makes me want to cry. Love you guys!

Bee said...

Zack is so cute!!! i remember when he was a baby..he;s all grown up..i liked all the pics..esp the one where he is kissing emily..awww..he is adorable..Abby and Lila are also adorable..but "hats off to Zack"

Christine Segura said...

Zack is so cute! I love how he just seems to be all boy. And he is going to need to be himself with two sisters to boss him around! Luke sure knows that! I love looking at your blog, I love that we can keep in touch this way! Christine

Tanya said...

ha ha! love it! but i can't show travis this post...he is very serious about things like this. before i had a girl sometimes i would stick trey in something girly "just to see" what he would look like...ha ha. travis threw a fit, but i love it. zack is so cute! so funny that he loves it so much.

Jodi said...

Now that is what I call CUTE! The twins are getting so big. It seems like yesterday Lila was having her luau birthday party.

Cheryl said...

How in the world could I have forgotten about my college buddy Emily?!

Wow, it was good to see your comment on my blog just now! And you have three kids! And TWINS! And I am using way too many exclamation points in this comment!

I'm so glad you found me! If I had seen your comment at Segullah after mine, I have a feeling I would have made the same connection. Of course, it helps you had your last name there...

Oh and more wow! You're living near Boston? We almost (*this* close) moved to Boston last year. Is it as wonderful as everyone says it is?

Anyway, hooray we found each other!

Heidi said...

THis is seriously one of the cutest things I've ever seen....especially the pictures of Zack kissing you and Abby. I love that kid!

Emily Widdison said...

that was a fun post! really funny and cute pictures! Love your camera! Hand Sanitizer will probably clean your key board.

Mindy said...

So cute! I love Zack and his hats. These pictures are awesome!

Rindi said...

What a great post! I love the sweet! Zack is so darling, especially in his hats. (Plus, it's good for his skin!!!) Greg will be happy that I said that. :)

Anonymous said...

So I am totally blog stalking and I can't believe how big your twins are they are so cute!!! Hope everything is going well for you and you family.

Marianne said...

that is THE cutest post EVER. first of all you kae "having twins" look easy AND fun.... amazing, then zach makes wearing girls hats cool! i;ll have to show my boys this post, ok just kidding but sooo dang cute :)

Tiffany said...

I'm thinking...early therapy! He Doesn't have the best genes you know.

Amy said...

Your kids are so adorable, I can't believe how big the twins are. Love the hats...awesome! Hope you guys are doing good.

Chandler Family said...

This is your cousin Angie. Andy's girlfriend found my blog so I found yours and I am so excited to keep up on your darling family!
Hope all is well. check us out at

Unknown said...

Sooo Cute! Your kids are darling!