Turns out our Family Home Evening of making peanut butter balls was a little too fresh in her memory. She had a big ball of peanut butter in her hands.

We pulled over at the next gas station and I took her into the bathroom to try and clean her up a little. Luckily there was a shower in there so I stripped her down and scrubbed. I don't think we'll ever quite get the PB smell out of her car seat though...

Lucky for her Johnny and I have a good sense of humor!!
HOLY COW!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE LILA!!!! Wow, that's funny but I'm so glad that I didn't have to deal with that. Your children never cease to amaze me. Hopefully you had enough food for the rest of your camping trip...
My favorite part is she has the peanut butter war paint look going. She even painted on eyebrows. She did a great job for not having a mirror. Plus I bet the peanuts did wonders for her complexion. That is pretty funny though.
that is so funny! i don't know if i would have laughed as much if it were my own kids though.
Lila is living the dream. I've wanted to smear peanut butter all over myself too.
This is hilarious! Brady and I laughed so hard when we read this. Of course, we weren't the ones to have to clean up the mess. What a creative imagination this girl has! I'll make a note to never set peanut butter around kiddos in the car or anywhere else for that matter. :)
that is amazing! seriously amazing. she is a sneaky little thing. oh my gosh so funny.
She looks delicious! She is so funny! And you are so good to be able to laugh at it.
Yes, Lila is a lucky girl to have two cool parents that didn't completely freak out over that. I'm so glad that you had the foresight to document her shenanigans with the camera! Very funny.
oh. my. gosh.
I would've died.
Well, it could've been worse than Peanut Butter, right?
(sitting here trying to think of what would've been worse than peanut butter, you know, besides poop, lol...)
Em!! Oh my, I just found your blog and I am rolling!! I have tears I am laughing so hard! She is so sweet and innocent!! Your blog is so cute! Miss you guys! Butu now I can keep pup with your fam through the blog!
Oh my goodness! That is hilarious. I would have died...I'm so glad you and Johnny could laugh about it!
That is HILARIOUS!! I am still laughing!
This is hilarious. I'm glad you two have a sense of humor. :) LOVE the photos. Good thing that camera was handy. We miss you guys! Lila looks so grown up!
Em that is so funny...and your right she is lucky you guys have a sense of humor!! It's so great you took pictures to remember the moment. Those are the best to look back on. I need to call you!! Hope to see ya soon!
Lila is such a fun little girl! We had so much fun camping with you guys in VT. Hopefully we can do it again some time. And this time hopefully Lila won't lather up with a condiment on the way to the camp ground.
that is too funny and are n't you so glad you had your camera. aren't kids so much fun :) and work :))
This is unbelievable! I'm so glad you took pictures. She and Juliette must have been conspiring, only this totally tops the Nutella incident.
Wow! I would have been super mad!! That is too crazy! Good thing you could laugh about it! I still can't get over the fact that she did that. I feel so bad for you that you had to deal with that MESS!! :)
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