Zack found this truck sitting on the grass at the park. He speed-crawled over to it and pulled himself up. Then he began pushing it. He made it half way around the playground before this happened...
He didn't seem to mind much though. He climbed right back up and kept going. He even tried to drag Abby along for the ride! I think he's going to be walking soon. Man... I'm in trouble!!
Ahhh, the love of a boy and his truck!
I love your blog! I have been a lurker for a long, long time. NO MORE, I am addicted. I can't believe how big your cute little twins are getting. Lila looks like such a little girl. They are all so cute! I can't wait for your next post. Miss you guys.
Your pictures look great! Your new camera is doing a great job. I will be there to support you when Zack and Abby start walking. :)
Em, I must admit that I am quite jealous of your blogging! You have created such a fun blog. I have loved seeing Lila, Zack & Abby in action on your website. It's especially fun for me because I never see them and it seems like every picture they have grown up so much. I think it is quite hilarious that Zack was totally enthralled with that truck. It always seemed like trucks and things "manly" were always forced on to boys. I'm impressed that your babies are getting so mobile!
I too admit that I have been laughing out loud when I see Lila typing her "letters" and sleeping with a bowl in case she "spits." Wow, I can tell that your children have your whits! I love you guys so much and I can't wait to see you sometime (hopefully soon!)
Zach what a cute guy. I can't believe how big he is...oh he reminds me of Cameron in these pictures. The blonde hair, big smile, little bike, and crash and burns.
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