On the ride home from the pet store.
Johnny: Do you like your fish, Lila?
Lila: I got a boy fish. That would be silly for a little girl to get a girl fish. I love my boy fish!

Later that day.
Emily: Lila, how about naming your fish, Fin? That is a good fish name.
Lila: No, I already picked a name.
Emily: Oh, you did? What name did you pick?
Lila: I don't know.
Emily: I thought you said you picked a name.
Lila: I did!
Emily: What is it?
Lila: I don't know!
Emily: Ohhh, you mean you want to call him 'I don't know'?
Lila: Yes, his name is 'I don't know'.

A few days later.
Johnny: Why isn't that true?
Lila: I don't know?
Johnny: Its not true because of your fish?
Lila: No! My fish knows everything!
Johnny: That's funny that you have a fish named 'I don't know' that knows everything.

Fortunately, with such a knowledgeable fish in the house, all of our kids have been practicing their fish talk.

Your kids are so cute! I love the part where Johnny says "That's funny you have a fish named 'I don't know' that knows everything." Lila's hair is so long! Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks! (BTW, this is Shawnee.)
Aaagh! Those are the cutest fish faces! I love the twins trying to suck their cheeks in (and not quite getting it).
LOL, Lila says the funniest things. They are all so cute. Love the pictures.
UUMMM I think you guys are copying us, we have a blue beta that has also been deemed a boy fish, except he has a real name "Tyrone".
Lila really is so clever and funny and her hair is so long. Are you guys going to Utah?
What a funny post! I can't believe you have a fish with the name "I don't know". How funny! I LOVE the fish faces at the bottom. I especially like how Abby has done the fish face! Thanks for sharing your new pet with us! I hope I don't know likes living at the Russ home!
That is hilarious! I can't get over the fish's name. How original!
ok- i am going to say something besides that your kids are darling. You already know that, every mom knows that thier kids are the cutest around. i am impressed with the faces. My favorite kind of face is the "sleeping face" that is my favorite kind of day also. Does that make me a bad mom? I just really like to sit and not have anyone call me mom, just taush. Anyway-all the way in boston huh? Kal said your husband is a "whiz kid" if he goes to MIT. What is he going to do? So are you excited for spring just cause it's spring, or cause you graduate. I just need some clarification cause i haven't quite caught up on your life yet. So-how old are your kids? Maybe i should know this from skimming your blog last night, but it was 12 am and my eyes were burning!
What marvelous fish faces! Lila should have her own comedy show. I can only imagine that you Em are the one who taught her to be so funny. :)
I'm glad "I don't know" is still alive. Good job Lila! The three little fish faces are cute too. Isn't it fun having little kids.
I love Lila's long hair. It's so pretty in that photo of her feeding I Don't Know.
you've already surpassed my record for keeping a fish alive.
would you stop posting such cute stuff. It is like reading a book or turning on the tv. So entertaining. And it makes the rest of us (ok just me) and our posts seem like a 3rd grader wrote them. Lila says the best stuff. I would just like to borrow her for a few days. Do you want to send her to visit me and Josh? Please...
I wanted to comment that I also love that you just let your kids name their fish "I don't know"... it's random and hilarious!
That is a great name for a fish! I have been thinking about getting Kens a fish. I love the kids fish faces, so cute.
how fun! i have thought about getting a fish. i think it's the only pet i would say yes to.
So, so cute! I can't believe the little ones can even do a fish face!
hilarious...thanks for the good laugh Lila!
Three kids in two years (2 year old and twins) means I NEED these jeans (just like everyone else, it seems!!) PLEASEEEEE pick me!! :)
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