a serious food fight!
That's what do you get when you leave two almost two year olds alone with a bowl of noodles each...

It was my own fault, really. In my attempt to get them to actually eat something besides waffles and hot dogs I decided to try the old college favorite... Ramen Noodles. I cut the ramens into little pieces (which I would later REGRET!!) and I left them in their high chairs as they were happily eating away.
A few minutes later I heard Abby start to giggle. (By the way, Abby's giggle is a thing of beauty. It's a high pitched giggle/scream/squeal. It's one of my most favorite sounds in the world. You can hear it in this video.) Anyway, I thought that maybe they were making a mess but it couldn't be THAT bad, right??? Besides I was reading CJane and Segullah (and all of your blogs) and I didn't want to be bothered.
Let's just say that I regretted that decision as I was peeling sticky mushy noodles from the walls and the carpet and the bottom (yeah UNDERNEATH) of the highchairs...
The best part though, is that the noodles were all directed towards each other. They weren't just throwing them around for fun. They were throwing (and manually sticking them) on each other. And when I came upstairs they both pretended to be asleep. Ahhh, the life of twins!!
(p.s. this was written October 1st I just never plopped the picture in)
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