He's still my best friend and asking him to that dance 10 years ago was one of the best things I've ever done. He even brought me a dozen red roses this morning! At the risk of being a little too gushy and in honor of our 10 years together, I thought I would post 10 of my favorite things about my sweet Johnny. (In no particular order...)
1. I love watching Johnny play with our kids. He's such a great dad and loves to wrestle and tickle and tease. They all love him (Zack even prefers Johnny consistently over me...). I wish every kid in the world was as lucky as my 3.
2. I love that Johnny is incredibly patient with my weaknesses (most of the time!) :) And my quirks (like putting at least one ! behind every sentence!!!) Sometimes my shortcomings are glaringly obvious, (like the permanent pile of clean laundry that's been on our couch so long that Lila has taken to calling it the "laundry mountain"!) Other times they are things that only he knows about... either way, he is often much sweeter to me than I deserve! (See, I told you I use exclamation points too much!!)
Johnny & Lila
3. I LOVE his laugh. It's more of a giggle really.

4. I love his family. I couldn't have asked to marry into a better bunch of nuts! They all have their moments and a few issues here and there, but their house is definitely "a place to be loved" and I sure do love them like they were my own!
5. I love talking and laughing with Johnny. Some of you wonder why I always go to bed at 3am. It's because I can't stop talking to him. Mostly we laugh about how hilarious Lila is, but even 10 years later, we still love to talk about our views of the world and random life.

6. I love the collective results of our creative vision. Most of the fun and cute things I do he has a hand in. Most guys don't care what their wives do, but my guy does. This blog is a great example. Most of my friends have blogs that they post on for their families. My blog is really a family blog. He posts as much (if not more) than me! All of the crafts and projects I do, he gives me help and great ideas on. (Just wait until you see what we've got cookin' for Lila's birthday party!!) Everything I do is better because he's a part of it!
7. I love being a parent with him. (I know, I already said I love watching him play with the kids, but this is different, I promise! Read on...) Johnny really is the best dad I know. Some (ok, maybe a lot) of his ideas are slightly strange or a little bit gross, but they always turn out to be great moments! He is calm and steady and helps me to be the same. His discipline methods are amazing and he really knows what's important in life. I am definitely a better mom because of him!

8. My Johnny is oh so very smart! I know I'm bragging, but here in the land of Harvard and MIT it's easy to forget that going to these great schools is a huge accomplishment (for the record, he only goes to MIT). He graduated from BYU with a 4.0 in arguably one of the very hardest majors they have and received 2 (yes, TWO) prestigious fellowships. The thing I love about his smartness though, is that you're often surprised by it if you don't know him well. He's easy to talk to and down to earth. Not to mention funny... but wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.
(it's a wig... a good wig!)

9. Johnny is funny. It was one of the first things I fell in love with about him. The night we met (thanks Rindi!) we stood on the porch outside of Wells Hall and talked and talked. He told the most amazing stories about wrestling alligators and hanging out with his brothers. I was smitten by his GIGANTIC (seriously... GIGANTIC! someday I'll post a picture) muscles and Florida lifeguard tan, but it was his personality that one my heart over. He often says these days that I don't think he's funny anymore because I don't laugh at his jokes like I used to. So this is to set the record straight Johnny Russ. I love it that you are funny!
10. I love how much he loves me. Sometimes I do stupid things (ok, a lot of times.) And especially these days with 3 little ones clambering for my attention all the time, I'm not the girl I used to be. But he still loves me, messy house, no make up, ponytail, and all.
I love you Johnny Russ! Thanks for a great 10 years!

Man 10 years.... YOU ARE OLD!!!! ;)
Emily, has it been ten years? We are getting old. Sounds like Johnny is one amazing guy and he should be because he got one amazing girl!!
I'm glad you put that wig pic up again, because Paul missed it when it was part of your side bar.
Very nice tribute, Em. I'd also like to give Johnny some credit for whipping Paul into shape on his mission. Paul often refers to it fondly.
What a sweet blog about Johnny. It is hard to believe that it was 10 years ago that you met him. I remember you talking about a boy that you went on a date with and that you said you loved him... I remember meeting him for the first time and I think Amy and/or Tiffany were there and I thought it was so weird... Granted I was 13 at the time. I'm glad that you found Johnny, Em. He's an awesome guy and you deserve him more than I think you give yourself credit! The two of you are amazing together and your kids have turned out so good! I love you both and I love your kids so much too! In fact... the other day I missed them so much that I cried a little... Anyway, thanks for posting this blog about Johnny. Makes me want to blog about Nick. Love you guys!
Happy Anniversary! Em, reading this post made me realize that I've never known you without Johnny being in your life...It's always been Emily and Johnny and I love that! You two are the best! That wedding day photo of the two of you is beautiful.
lump in my throat.
You obviously put a lot of effort into that. How lucky you BOTH are!
(and Yay for blogging! I love peeking into your life!)
That was so sweet. Johnny is such a great guy. I guess he really does deserve you!!! What a great post.
I'd like to point out that in the photo of your first date, Johnny looks just like the "Jaws" guy from the James Bond movies. Look at that big mouth full of metal. On my first day in the mission, I got to go to the orthodontist with Johnny. Then we went and knocked Gladstone street. The end.
sniff sniff, that was so sweet. i wrote my post on being thankful and then came here to read this, i'm all teary eyed, you guys are so sweet and i absolutely agree about the things you said abouth im but times them by TEN and thats you. you two are a team most would die to have. :)
so sweet - he sounds like a wonderful man....but, he is from Florida....great things come from Florida!!! Happy Anniversary!
What a sweet post. I love the first photo...you both look so young and in love and I especially love your wedding photo!
Emily, I tried to leave a comment already, but maybe it didn't work! Ugh! Anyway, what a sweet post! I am super glad I introduced the two of you. Ten years ago...HOLY COW! You are so beautiful together in your wedding photo. I miss you guys!
Love, Rindi
I will respond for, and in behalf, of the Russ family (since no one in our family would every post a comment) that we all feel the same about you Emily. And as everyone else said you are both amazing. Uummm Johnmny, where is your list of tem things you love about Emily?
Slacker!!! You act like you are busy with a master's degree or something.
Oh yeah and you are welcome for that amazing wedding picture, both because I took the pic and did Emily's beautiful hair. Praise me!
You guys are just amazing! I wish we lived closer so I could continue to learn from you both. :)
This is really cute...I miss you both so much. I love that when I call to talk to you and for some reason :) you can't come to the phone, I end up talking to Johnny. I just miss you both and count you as great friends. Your posts are so well put together...and I always get a kick out of Johnny's interactions with Lila.
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