Sunday, September 26, 2010

If you were turning one year old...

If you were turning one year old...

and they put a box in front of you and told you to tear it apart...

you'd open it up and say "WOW!!"

and then your BIG BROTHER would push you around and around and around on your new ride and even be your stop sign...

but your BIG SISTER might be a little sad when she can't play with your toys...

and while you were playing with your new stuff your MOM would whip out this little beauty...

and you'd be super grateful...

and it would be really yummy...

and you would think it was pretty much the best birthday you'd ever had...

and it would be, if YOU were turning one year old!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Alex-the-Zander!!


Liz said...

Wow! I can't believe what a great grandmother I am. I just realized it was Alex's birthday when I looked at facebook. The photos were so beautiful and Alex looks so old with his hair cut. Sorry, his gift will be late. Can't believe it's been a year!!!

Tami said...

I just can't get enough of your kiddos! I love that Zack was being the stop sign and Abby was crying. Seems pretty typical, I guess. I know I have said this a lot but that haircut really does make Alex seem so big! I love you guys.
(and, I sort of can't believe that your apron is still around. Didn't think that would last long at all!)

Natalie said...

I love that little face. Bring him here so I can smother him with smooches!

Amy said...

I think you look really pretty in these pics, Emily.

the Bunker Family said...

I can't believe he is ONE! We've never even met the guy. He was just a little bump under your sweatshirt in the morning picking up Avery at our doorstep for preschool. What a fun birthday.

I'm SO happy to see that you survived the move and are doing so well. Your kids are getting so dang big, I hardly recognize them (and not just because of their clown outfits either). Love your posts, keep them coming, Avery loves to see them too.

Jan Haws said...

How fun to be ONE! Alex is so handsome. Love the cake, good job Birthday Alex! Hard to believe that one year ago I was with you all in BOSTON. My how time flies.

Jan Haws said...

Oops!! good job Em. Happy Birthday Alex!

Safe in the Steep Cliffs said...

that is so "filipino" of you to put your food in the freezer! lol

i love your style of blogging!

p.s. guacamole sounds so good right now! your kids will one day like it too. if not, then MORE FOR YOU :]

Cassi said...

so cute. he is so cute! And you of course are amazing with the cake as always. I hate that you are so far away...

Eliza said...

that is a sweet ride you rigged up for that one year old child of yours. a little baking wizardry. And what is it about a small child covered in cake and frosting?! -- it is THE BEST, that's all.