When does your baby turn into a little boy?

When you cut his hair for the first time!

When you cut his hair for the first time!

and in case you were looking for a comparison shot... here's Zack after his first haircut. Zacky was a few months older than Alex is here and his hair was longer but they both had those curls in the back. So sad to see my babies growing up!!!
Oh I love that little boy. He is so cute. He reminds me of you Emily when you were about his size. Give him a squeeze.
ADORABLE! And I can't believe how much he looks like Zack! Wowzahhh. I con commiserate. When you chop off their hair, they look like such different and OLDER boys! Always sad to see the baby curls go...
Wonder if he'll ever have curls again?? He does look much older, and I agree, he doesn't seem like a baby anymore. He is, however, still just as cute! Love him!!!
So incredibly true!!! And sad...
(Frown face) Our Al is due for one too. I told Mark that if it doesn't happen soon, I'm putting it in pigtails. But maybe we'll wait a little longer.
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